About Me

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My name is Kelley and I am a stay at home mom to two kids - my amazing son Jackson Wayne and cutie pie little girl Bailey Louise. I am a working at home mom with a business called baby Jack blankets. I handmake ribbon tab baby blankets and sell them online. I am married to the love of my life Brian and every day looking forward to the ever so rewarding and challenging experiences that my life brings me.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A feces kind of day

Changed 3 dirty diapers of Bailey this AM. Already the morning was a blur. Here's my afternoon after naps.
Jack pooped on the potty! YAY. *% it fell off his butt and onto his foot. He shook it off. I cleaned up mess.
Bailey ARMY CRAWLED today!! Backwards! It was a proud moment. No poo can bring me down today.
Bailey pooped. (a suprise while changing her diaper) Jack needed to poop. I changed her and put her in crib.
Jack pooped. Attempted to take off his underwear and put it in the potty. Underwear too. Cleaned up mess.
Bailey screaming. I forgot to put a diaper on her after last change. She peed in crib. Switched crib sheet.

I dont know how many times I washed my hands and still found some sort of grossness on me. Cleaning house and showering again.

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